Tuesday 4 January 2011

Get it right next time.

The first day back at work after the "festive break".
What can I tell you?
Well, Callum didn't want to get up......."Ever!" he said at 6.30am. I tried to kid him the darkness at half past silly o'clock was due to the partial eclipse, but he wasn't buying it, and he was not even tempted to jump out of his little pit to use his new telescope re aforementioned eclipse, and I failed miserably to enamour him with Professor Brian Cox-esque enthusiasm after we watched Stargazing together last night.
In the end the threat of me making him breakfast and him missing breakfast club was enough to rouse him from his dribbling semi-coma!

After dropping him at breakfast club at 8am the "refreshing" drive to Salisbury started, (cynical sarcasm? Noooooooo). I was initially behind an HGV which I managed to overtake after 8 miles. Result.
However, I was then hemmed in by what looked like a heroin induced Stevie Wonder in front and a cocaine ramped Michael Schumacher behind, like some hideous road based spit-roast that sapped my concentration in either smacking the arse end of Stevie or being rogered by Michael.
However, the 28 mile journey safely navigated I was able to get to work and as usual log-in to all equipment took approx 45 minutes...........
The rest of the day was like trying to eat soup in a basket with a chopstick. The more I tried, the longer it took and I was treading treacle.
So, did my best and thoughts of seeing my little man got me through. Felt much better when I collected him from after school club at 5.30pm and we discussed how he would deal with burglars or zombies in the event of either such emergency. He told me he is an expert on zombies so I now feel safer. Apparently one must destroy the brain or remove the head, although he didn't say to which section this related, but I feel that both would work on zombies AND burglars, with zombies having more brains to worry about than the average burglar.
Anyway..............this evening I heard the sad news that Gerry Rafferty had passed away, along with Mick Karn from Japan. The latter being a bassist who made a bass guitar sound like a lead instrument, especially on Gary Numans album Dance.
Rafferty was just great on the juke box in the pub of a Sunday lunchtime years ago, which made me think of this track that adequately explains my day, and makes me feel better about tomorrow, and the days after.

RIP Mick and Gerry

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