Sunday 23 January 2011

Callums career choices

Callum has decided his career path.............

1) Archaeologist     2) Architecture (sic)    3) Undercover Sniper (long range)

He has also upgraded his reading and discovered a huge thirst for it very suddenly, that and also gaining knowledge of anything and everything. (This means probably obscure, but interesting, and absolutely useless at least for the time being, information to be recalled at inopportune and inappropriate moments in his life). Fantastic! Just like his dad!
The particular book that is popular among his little band of mates is "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"
He thinks it is great and very funny, and it is. So much so that he wanted to buy it on Friday after school.
I was very keen to oblige, being that it is rare for him to ask for books, and promised I would buy it for him....................

Location......WH Smith. (Discussion between assistant and I). "Do you have Diary of a Wimpy Kid please?" "All of them sir?" (Me distracted looking through some other books)....."Eh? OH, yes yes for my son please!" Callum goes with assistant to collect book, and I follow to find all SIX books in the series proudly tucked under his arm and on the way to the till. "£35.00 please sir"

Still......... £5 cheaper than a PS3 game and he has read one already and it has been great hearing him chuckle and laugh loudly and read bits to me all weekend so far, so it is money very well spent. He has also cleared his bookcase of rubbish toys and "stuff" for the start of, "my new library".
So we now have an agreement that in return for his chores and helping here and there I will buy him books, as long as I get to choose a classic each month, such as Treasure Island.............. (or War and Peace).

Callum also announced that the piece of paper I had seen him scribbling on was his signature practice sheet. This, apparently, is in case he becomes a film star or director, as he does plan to make a few films.
I asked if the film work might not get in the way of the archaeology or architecture or particularly the sniper job?
"Obviously, I would do some assassinations between making a film dad"...............Silly me!

Callum has also now started a journal, which he is writing in his Dr Who notebook, which he says he "knew would come in handy one day". I said that it would be a good idea to write a diary.

"Dad!" "Girls write diaries. Boys write a journal"....................Silly me.

"You will be....." he said, "so proud of me" and I was shown his first journal entry.....................all about when he first heard and repeated the word "bollocks"............I am so proud!

To be continued...................


  1. Was looking for a like button but then remembered I wasn't on f/b! Go Callum, bless him getting into reading and the journal is a fab idea. V jealous about your upcoming library I think I need to invest in some more shelves.........x

  2. Great stuff, made me smile. Jules thinks Callum is a right little character and you must really love him with all of your heart.

    Keep it up mate, loving the stuff :o)
