Thursday 21 April 2011

day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding

As I have already been married and have already posted a song or two that was played at it, I don't really want to repeat them.

I then thought of a song that I wanted to play at my wedding, but which my wife to be, (now ex), thought was too over romantic/sloppy. didn't get played, but I still think it's perfect for a wedding, sung by the groom to the bride. Who knows, maybe one day I'll hear it played...................

Wednesday 20 April 2011

day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad

I don't really like these 'angry' 'happy' 'sad' reasons for listening to music. Maybe, and most probably, there are people who put on certain music to match a certain mood.
However, for the purposes of the 30 day challenge.............
I guess there are a few tracks I would listen to if I wanted to wallow in self pity for a while, get a few tears of frustration out of the system, then, as the track had served its purpose, turn it off, and just carry on with life.

From a "romance" point of view there is one track that makes me melancholy, reflective on past mistakes, but at the end a little hopeful, but I guess...........sad. However, it does speak for lots of things apart from the obvious romantic point of view in the song.
I would say that for almost all of us, we are probably still waiting and striving for perfection or as near as damn-it...........and we have all of us made mistakes. The trick is to not beat oneself up too much about the mistakes, and to hope we don't make them again.

Sunday 10 April 2011

day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy

I can't think of any particular track that I listen to when happy. Much like the sad one, there isn't really a type of music I rush to listen to when in any particularly emotional state.
So, I have gone for a duplication, which is very apt in honour of the wonderful weather these last few days.

Monday 4 April 2011

day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry

These last few choices are difficult. I don't really rush to find a particular track when I am angry, as anger is rarely a part of my life. If I am ever feeling that way I guess I listen to something to calm me, or to push me to be reflective on the situation that made me angry in the first place. If I had to be angry-ish then I would go for a harder version of a track, which for me would be a dance remix maybe.
However, upon reflection and a look through my collection, it could only be...........why did I EVER think different? It has to be Johnny and the boys!It's angry, I love it, and it's current as well.

Friday 1 April 2011

day 19 - a song from your favourite album

Getting fed up with the word favourite! I have many...............
There is my favourite 80s album, favourite rock or indie or electronic or dance, and favourite album at the moment........etc
A favourite album of the last 2 or 3 years in that I like most every track is Kings Of Leon - Only By The track in particular from the album struck a chord within me and reminded me of someone. The lyrics could easily be that person explaining why they did what they did at a certain time.