- My ever wonderful son has this week offered to buy me a box of chocolates for Valentines day as, "You don't have a wife or girlfriend, and you deserve some love". Cue lump in throat and grit in eye for me, which was tempered by his next statement of..........."I could help you eat them as well, because if you eat them all you will be too fat and no girls will love you" Such wisdom, such subliminal subtlety and complementary manipulation all at once. If only it were so simple in that all I need do is avoid excess chocolate to be attractive to the opposite and fairer sex. I am regularly pleased and amazed by our continuing bonding. I was never aware that there were so many levels and nuances to it, and it is a joy to be part of as he grows and I learn.
- The library is coming on well and I am on the lookout for better bookcases. eBay is brilliant for such things. I prefer Ikea Expedit, so will wait 'til I can get locally on eBay. I feel that the library may be a lasting "legacy". I plan to fill it with classics and books we collect as time goes by, and also our photo albums, and my poetry and lyrics that I have written, as well as my CD collection and film collection. The hope being that Callum will be able to read, watch and listen to what interested, moved and inspired me, in the hope he will gain from it all too. As well as reliving both of our memories via the all of the mediums we have. I hope that makes sense?
- Something I wrote to someone else that when I read it back explained in a nutshell the last 10 years of my life.............You fall, you believe, you want to help, you think you CAN help when in reality, (that you can't see), you never will. You get dragged under to the same level and become part of it and then it's YOUR life too, but if you're lucky you wake up or get woken, but it takes so very long to be yourself again, if you ever do.
- Non smoking progress. I have quit smoking for 8 weeks, 4 days, 17 hours and counting. I still really want one at times, but the craving only lasts a few minutes. What chemicals they must contain to have even a small hold 9 weeks later!
- Financial news...........I have saved £218.57 so far by not smoking, and today got a £175.00 tax rebate. The latter I feel is a "sweetener" by the ConDem government for the pain to come. (I am however planning to ring HMRC to ask they look at previous years, as there is nothing special about this year for me to get a rebate).
- My observations after watching some 9/11 documentaries.........."The lies and the truth are both there, but we never look, or read, or listen, or watch properly. This human nature is relied upon by those that plan to deceive, and those that have or want the power distract us so easily with shallow ideas and things. I wont begin to preach about it but suggest that you watch and make up your own minds. (See my Video bar). A truly staggering realisation.
- Please read my facebook note on the difference between female and male shower time. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/note.php?note_id=10150092832181964
- During the course of my work, (which may cease in the next 12 months by diktat of popular blood-lust of the media and brainwashed public, or if it still exists be £6k lighter. Public servant now = public enemy.) I was wonderfully escorted from a premises by two sheepdogs that were as mad as a box of frogs. I was in my car, after chatting to the owner, and he said "Those two will show you out". They then ran ahead of my car, looking back as if to say "this way!"...........then they stopped for me to catch up and, one each side looked up at me and barked. Then they ran ahead again, until we got near a cattle grid up the long driveway, and then they stopped but ran behind barking a farewell. (Although they could have been shouting "and don't come back...!"). I laughed all the way up the half mile drive, and for 10 minutes afterwards.
- A very happy Valentines weekend and day to those of you lucky enough to love and be loved by someone special.
- I wish a very happy, if somewhat uncertain, freedom for Egypt.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Truth, temperance, lies and epiphany.
So much for my attempt at blogging every day. No reason other than naivety in thinking anything would be of interest, and I thought that one had to have something to say. However, the idea was to say something even if it was mundane, routine or boring, but, upon reflection I decided to wait until I had something just a little bit less boring to post. But, nothing momentous or vaguely riveting having happened, here are some snippets. (I was going to write "here are some highlights" but snippets is better and covers both high and lowlights). In no particular order...........
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